Exterior waterproofing (or sometimes known as external waterproofing) repairs your leaky basement from the outside of your home by exposing the foundation cracks and holes and applying waterproofing material to create a foundation waterproofing system that will redirect and disperse water away from your foundation walls.

The waterproofing materials include hydraulic cement, rubberized membrane, air-gap drainage membrane, drainage tile (weeping tile) and 3/4 inch gravel, and routed into a sump liner with the appropriate sump pump system if necessary


Interior waterproofing (or sometimes known as internal waterproofing) repairs your basement leaks from the inside of your home and is the best solution for a damp or wet basement floor due to hydrostatic pressure. 

The waterproofing materials include an interior air-gap drainage membrane, drainage tile (weeping tile), drainage tile connector pieces, 3/4 inch gravel, and concrete, and routed into a sump liner with the appropriate sump pump system


A sump pump is a pump that is used to remove water that has been collected in water-collecting sump basin (sump pit), found in the basement of homes. The sump pit also has a cover to prevent debris going in. Sump pumps often work together with an interior waterproofing system, and waterproofing companies will recommend having both inside your basement to have a full waterproofing system.

ABS piping is fitted with the sump pump, outside. Water gets accumulated in the sump pit by natural underground water or from a drain of a waterproofing system that is connected to the pit. The sump pump system is used when the water table is higher than the footing of a home or to divert basement foundation leaks by installing an internal waterproofing system or connecting the external weeping tiles into the sump pit.


The low-pressure injection method involves inserting a liquid at a very low pressure into a narrow crack (more than 1/16″ or 1.5 mm).

Low-pressure injection uses the gravity principle rather than the pressure principle itself, since the pressure used is around 50 psi.


Trench and French drains channel pooled water on the ground surface so that water will not become part of the underground watertable and seep through the foundation of your home. These types of drain systems are preferred in areas of the home where the possibility of water pooling is high. 

They are also the  system of choice among houses with a yard that is negatively sloped. What this means is that the area adjacent and surrounding the foundation walls of your home are lower than the area on the yard. This negative slope naturally moves rainwater away from the yard and towards the foundation of your house. Sooner or later you will have an issue with water damage. In such instances, trench drains work best since the water on the negatively sloped surface will be channeled away from your foundation.


Window wells, when installed below grade on the exterior of a home, must include a working drainage system. In the absence of drainage window wells fill up with water like an aquarium. Since windows are designed to shed water (like a roof shingle) instead of being water proof (like an aquarium), when the window well fills, the water simply pours through the seals of the window and into the basement. 

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